Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Apple Cider Vinegar

Miracle probiotic, healing source, antibacterial lotion. Produce apple cider vinegar, which has countless uses, naturally and without additives, at home. It takes little effort, a lot of patience, but the result is excellent. Consume with pleasure and health.


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 10 min.
Apple (Green) 2 Kg.
Honey 6 Tbsp
Water (Drinking) 6 Liters
Chickpeas 1 Half Cup
Grape Vinegar 2 Tbsp


  1. Wash the apples and soak them for half an hour in water with two spoons of vinegar. Apples should be rot-free, fresh and smooth.
  2. Rinse the apples, without peeling their skins, chop them coarsely and remove the cores and hard parts in the middle.
  3. Divide the washed chickpeas into previously unused, washed and dry jars.
  4. Divide the apples into half of the jars and fill the jars with clean drinking water so that there are two fingers space on them.
  5. Add a spoonful of strained honey to the jars, mix them with a wooden spoon and wrap their mouths with a piece of clean cheesecloth and fix them with a rubber or string.
  6. Leave the apples to rest in a cool and dark place, mix them two or three times a day with a wooden spoon and leave them for 20 days.
  7. Leave the vinegar for fermentation without mixing for another ten days. A white mold called mother of vinegar will form on it.
  8. The most healing part of household vinegar is called the mother of vinegar, do not throw it away.
  9. Transfer your fermented vinegar to glass bottles by straining it through clean cheesecloth. Enjoy your meal !


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