Salad Recipes | 50 recipes
Purslane Salad With Crispy Chickpeas
Purslane is a green leafy vegetable that is high in fiber and healthy fats and is frequently preferred in raw diets. When combined with spicy chickpea chips and…
Brown Tabbouleh Salad
Tabbouleh salad, also known as taboule, tabuli or tabbule, is an indispensable taste of Levanter cuisine and Lebanese cuisine, created by blending fine bulgur,…
Salmon Bowl
Bowl, which has gained popularity recently, refers to a style of meal in which mixed ingredients come together, usually served in a bowl or plate. Salmon bowl…
Bonito Pan
The Black Sea becomes festive in September. Hunting season is opening. If you're lucky, you should have caught the bonito influx. If you are someone who only…
Tomato Egg Salad
Studies have shown that the highest quality protein in foods is in eggs. In addition, eggs contain balanced and sufficient amounts of amino acids that must be…
Aegean Style Purslane Salad
Purslane, locally known as pirpirim herb, is a herbal source of omega-3 and iron. It is also an energizing, healthy herbal food due to the many vitamins and…
Apple Celery Salad
Raw nutrition is being given more place in healthy nutrition recipes day by day. Consuming celery raw, which is generally used as a stew or olive oil…
Vegetarian Potato Ravioli
By using potatoes instead of white flour, you can make a meatless ravioli in a satisfying and practical way and get a taste close to it. Enjoy your meal! Wash…
Cauliflower Corn
The product, called cauliflower rice, obtained by grinding raw vegetables, is a healthy option that is frequently used by those who prefer a vegan and…