Fish & Seafood Recipes | 14 recipes
Milky Fish

Milk fish, one of the very special tastes of the coastal cities of the Aegean and Marmara regions, especially Izmir, brings together two seemingly incompatible…
Stuffed Squid

You should definitely try the stuffed calamari, which we usually eat in a pan and with tarator sauce. Cleaned and frozen tube squid can now be found in markets.…
Salmon Bowl

Bowl, which has gained popularity recently, refers to a style of meal in which mixed ingredients come together, usually served in a bowl or plate. Salmon bowl…
Baked Bonito In Paper

Bonito fish begin to be caught in the Black and Marmara seas in August. The most delicious time is September and October. However, since it gets oily during…
Bonito Pan

The Black Sea becomes festive in September. Hunting season is opening. If you're lucky, you should have caught the bonito influx. If you are someone who only…
Steamed Bonito With Vegetables

Bonito fishing starts in August in the Black and Marmara seas. First, flocks of acorns and gypsy acorns arrive in the Black Sea, and from September onwards,…
Classic Steamed Anchovy

Steamed anchovies, one of the classics of Turkish cuisine, is traditionally a white dish without tomatoes or tomato paste. Although today, anchovies made with…
Sea Bass Steak (Steamed)

.Enjoy your meal! Clean the fish, carefully remove the middle bones and fillet. Cut the fillets into three and cut them into six pieces and rub them with some…
Grilled Sea Bream

Known for its taste, sea bream is a very healthy eating choice with its white meat. It is rumored that the fish, whose hunting tradition dates back to the…