Practical Recipes | 59 recipes

Baked Egg Bread

Classic egg bread is made by frying in plenty of oil. However, it is naturally high in fat and calories. This egg bread recipe, made in the oven with the same…

March 2024   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10

Egg Bread

The traditional method of using stale bread. A grandmother's recipe that turns breakfast into a feast. Enjoy your meal! Slice your bread 1, 1.5 cm thick without…

March 2024   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 2/10

Onion Corn Chips

Low-calorie and additive-free homemade cracker-type chips can suppress the sudden feeling of hunger and support your diet. You can also try this recipe, where…

February 2023   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 2/10

Tarhana Soup With Sausage

Tarhana, one of the classic soups of Turkish cuisine; It is a very nutritious food obtained by drying, grinding and sifting the dough kneaded with wheat,…

February 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 2/10

Vegetarian Potato Ravioli

By using potatoes instead of white flour, you can make a meatless ravioli in a satisfying and practical way and get a taste close to it. Enjoy your meal! Wash…

January 2023   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 2/10

Potato Pancakes

In Turkish cuisine, pastries are indispensable for both breakfast and tea time. This recipe, which is also called bottom top pastry, is prepared and cooked in a…

January 2023   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 3/10

Chicken Gratin With Garnish

Gratin( gratin); An oven cooking method that has spread from French cuisine to world cuisines. The defining feature of this dish, which can be made with many…

January 2023   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 5/10

Chicken Pasta

In Turkish cuisine, juicy main courses are usually one-pot dishes in which all the ingredients are cooked together. This saves both economy and time in the…

January 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10

Linseed Lentil Chips

Although flaxseed is a plant-based food, it is often included in vegan and vegetarian diets because it is a food rich in B12 and omega-3. However, it is…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 3/10