Chicken Recipes | 35 recipes

Lazy Chicken Meatballs

Chicken meat is one of our most important protein sources. However, some may not be desired to be used directly, especially by children. With this healthy and…

June 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 3/10

Chicken Gratin With Garnish

Gratin( gratin); An oven cooking method that has spread from French cuisine to world cuisines. The defining feature of this dish, which can be made with many…

January 2023   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 5/10

Chicken Pasta

In Turkish cuisine, juicy main courses are usually one-pot dishes in which all the ingredients are cooked together. This saves both economy and time in the…

January 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10

Chicken Spaghetti Pasta

The human body needs healthy carbohydrates that give energy as much as vegetables and fruits in a healthy daily diet. This delicious pasta recipe, cooked with…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 5/10

Boiled Ginger Chicken With Vegetables

Ginger root, which is especially recommended for nausea and intestinal diseases, is also very good for colds and flu. Fresh ginger root, which is added to a…

January 2023   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 4/10

Chicken Tajin With Einkorn Bulgur

Chicken and einkorn bulgur version of the traditional Moroccan stew tajin dish. When chicken meats are combined with a healthy grain and plenty of vegetables, a…

January 2023   •   🕐 45 dk. •   📶 6/10

Seasoned Chicken Stew

Wash the chicken drumsticks and put them in a deep pot. Add 5 glasses of hot water and salt and put on high heat. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat, close…

January 2023   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 4/10

Sweet Sour Crispy Chicken

Crispy chicken bites meet with delicious baked vegetables. The sauce served together is a flavor storm that brings together sweet and sour. A delicious recipe…

January 2023   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 5/10

Chicken Stew

In Turkish cuisine, the general name of the juicy dishes whose main ingredient is plenty of onions is "yahni". Chicken stew with shallots adds flavor and is…

January 2023   •   🕐 60 dk. •   📶 6/10