Legume Recipes | 29 recipes

Classic Lentil Soup

The most well-known and most preferred lentil soup of Turkish cuisine. In the classical method, the pulp of boiled lentils is removed through a sieve. Thus, the…

March 2024   •   🕐 60 dk. •   📶 6/10

Bulgur Pilaf With Chickpeas

Chickpeas; It is a food from the legume group, containing vitamins K, C, A and E, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus,…

March 2024   •   🕐 45 dk. •   📶 3/10

Chickpea Dish With Minced Meat

A single hot pot, a warm mother's meal. With rice and pickles on the side, our chickpea dish, one of the classics of Turkish cuisine, will taste like the fancy…

November 2023   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 5/10

Milk Corn Soup

Corn is a grain crop that has been grown around the world for over centuries. This mouth-watering plant with its popular taste and vibrant yellow grains is an…

February 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10

Onion Corn Chips

Low-calorie and additive-free homemade cracker-type chips can suppress the sudden feeling of hunger and support your diet. You can also try this recipe, where…

February 2023   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 2/10

Linseed Lentil Chips

Although flaxseed is a plant-based food, it is often included in vegan and vegetarian diets because it is a food rich in B12 and omega-3. However, it is…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 3/10

Meatless Carrot Chickpeas

Chickpeas are widely featured in the Mediterranean diet and Middle Eastern dishes. Chickpea, which was first grown in Anatolia 8000 years ago, is a rich source…

January 2023   •   🕐 65 dk. •   📶 6/10

Chickpea Butter With Parsley

Parsley contains a high amount of vitamin C, but it is a miraculous green that is often used in salads because it is not preferred to be consumed alone. When it…

January 2023   •   🕐 15 dk. •   📶 2/10

Dried Cod Bean Salad

Being a very good source of protein, cowpea is often included in diet menus as it also gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It is also a very good…

January 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10