Easy Lahmacun In A Pan Recipe

Easy Lahmacun In A Pan

Making lahmacun, one of everyone's favorite street delicacies, at home is actually easier than you think. Especially the pan-fried lahmacun recipe can be preferred due to its ease as well as its taste. You can also cook and freeze it for later use. Enjoy your meal!


For 3 people
🕐 Preparation: 30 min.      🕐 Cooking: 50 min.
For the Pastry:
Flour 1 Cup
Water 1 Cup
Milk 1 Cup
Liquid Oil 3 Tbsp
Salt 1 Tsp (large)
Baking Powder (A Package) 10 Grams
For the Internal Fee:
Ground Beef 300 Grams
Dry Onion 2 Qty
Green Pepper 3 Qty
Tomato 1 Qty
Parsley 1/2 Bunch
Tomato or Pepper Paste 1 Tbsp
Liquid Oil 2 Tbsp


  1. For the dough, mix the flour, baking powder and salt and pass through a wire sieve. Add water, oil and warmed milk.
  2. Mix the mixture well and start kneading. Add flour if necessary until the earlobe is soft.
  3. Divide your dough, which has become homogeneous, into small pieces. You can preferably divide it into 8 meringues.
  4. Cover your dough pieces and let them rest for 20-30 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the raw stuffing.
  5. Prepare the stuffing by adding ground beef, finely chopped parsley, very finely chopped or grated onion, finely chopped green pepper, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt and pomegranate syrup or garlic to your taste and mix well.
  6. Roll out the rested dough balls one by one, first with your hand and then with the help of a rolling pin, to the size of the base of your pan.
  7. Put one or two spoons of inner mortar on the doughs that you have rolled one by one and spread it over the entire surface of the dough by pressing lightly with your fingertips.
  8. Grease and heat a non-stick pan and start cooking your lahmacun one by one in the pan.
  9. While cooking your lahmacun in the pan, it will be enough to cook it for 5-6 minutes with the lid closed. Serve your cooked lahmacun hot with the greens of your choice and lemon. Enjoy your meal!


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