Spinach Cheese Flourless Omelet Recipe

Spinach Cheese Flourless Omelet

Omelet, which is one of the easy recipes for breakfast, is one of the indispensable tastes of the morning. Apart from the classic omelet, nowadays, vegetable omelette and avocado omelette are also frequently preferred for breakfast. This omelet recipe made with spinach, one of the winter vegetables, without flour, is practical, healthy, nutritious and very filling. Enjoy your meal!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.      🕐 Cooking: 5 min.
For the Omelette:
Spinach (Handle Parts) 3 Bunch
Dry Onion (Medium Size) 1 Head
Curd 1 Cup
Butter (Or Oil) 1 Tbsp
Egg 4 Qty
Salt 1 Tsp (large)
Black Pepper (Freshly Ground) 1 Tsp
Chili Pepper 1 Tsp
For the Presentation:
Parsley 1 Pinch
Strained Yogurt 1 Tbsp
Sumac 1 Pinch


  1. Separate the thin leaves of the spinach and wash the stems and large leaves in a separate bowl. Soak vinegar in water and rinse with a few waters. (You can get veinless leaves by twisting the spinach leaves inward and pulling the stem. ]
  2. Chop the spinach stems that you have washed and drained into small pieces of 1 cm. On the other hand, finely chop the onion and fry it in a tablespoon of oil until it turns pink, add the drained and dried spinach and fry together until soft. Add salt and spices.
  3. Cover the roasted and drained spinach and when it cools down, add curd cheese, mix and let it rest. (The spinach paste should cool down well so that it doesn't cook the eggs beforehand)
  4. In a separate place, add a teaspoon of salt to the eggs, beat them well, combine them with the cooled mortar and mix them by turning them upside down until they become homogeneous.
  5. Lightly grease a pancake pan with butter and heat it. Take a ladle of the omelet batter and spread it evenly in the pan. Cover it with a lid and cook it on low heat until it is hard enough to be turned upside down and turn it upside down with the help of a plate.
  6. Take your cooked omelets on a serving plate and garnish with parsley and sumac strained yogurt (with garlic if you wish) and serve warm. Enjoy your meal!
  7. Note: If you say you don't want the taste of onions for breakfast, you can make this recipe with only spinach and cheese without adding onions.

Breakfast Vegetable Practical

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