Chocolate Croissant Recipe

Chocolate Croissant

Who can say no to a croissant that is brittle, crunchy on the outside and filled with puffy chocolate on the inside? You can make the croissant of Austrian origin, which literally means "mooncake", but introduced to the world by the French, at home by paying attention to the material dimensions. Your guests and children will love this treat. Bon Appetit!


For 4 people
🕐 Preparation: 150 min.      🕐 Cooking: 15 min.
For the Pastry:
Flour 6 Cup
Fresh Yeast 1 Package
Milk (Warm) 1 Cup
Water (Warm) 1 Cup
Liquid Oil 1 Cup
Salt 1 Tsp (large)
Granulated Sugar 2 Tbsp
Egg White 2 Qty
For the Over:
Egg Yolk 2 Qty
Powdered Sugar 1 Qty
For the Mezzanines:
Butter 100 Grams
Cream Chocolate 1 Qty


  1. Add warm milk and water to the granulated sugar you bought in a mixing bowl and mix.
  2. Add the fresh yeast to the liquids and dissolve.
  3. Add beaten egg whites and oil to the liquid mixtures and mix.
  4. Mix and sift the flour and salt, add them little by little to the liquid mixture and get a soft but not sticky dough.
  5. Knead the dough for 4-5 minutes on the counter. Then divide it into 10 equal parts and roll it into a meringue.
  6. Sprinkle the meringues lightly with flour and roll them out to the size of a cake plate with the help of a rolling pin.
  7. Spread room temperature butter on the meringues and stack them on top of each other. Do not lubricate the top coat.
  8. Cover the meringues with cling film and leave them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  9. Take the rested meringues out of the cabinet and enlarge them as much as you can with the help of a rolling pin into a single sheet of 1 cm thick.
  10. Divide the rolled dough into 16 equal triangles. Make 2cm cuts on the thick sides of the triangles.
  11. Put 1 teaspoon of cream chocolate at room temperature on the ends and wrap them in a roll.
  12. Spread the beaten egg yolk on the croissants you have placed on the baking tray and let them rest on the tray for 15-20 minutes.
  13. Bake the croissants in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes and take them out.
  14. After resting the croissants you have taken out of the oven for 10 minutes, sprinkle them with powdered sugar with the help of a tea strainer and serve them warm or cold if you wish. Bon Appetit!


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