Flour Cookies Recipe

Flour Cookies

Flour cookies made with simple and basic ingredients are among the classics of Turkish cuisine. Since it can last for a long time and is practical to make, it can be preferred at tea times or as a snack. Enjoy your meal!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 30 min.      🕐 Cooking: 30 min.
For the Cookie:
Flour 4 Cup
Butter (Or Margarine) 250 Grams
Vanilla 1 Package
Powdered Sugar 1 Cup
Liquid Oil 1 Half Cup
For the Over:
Powdered Sugar 1 1/3 Cup


  1. Melt the butter or margarine and set aside. When it comes to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it. Discard any water remaining under the frozen oil.
  2. Leave the butter that comes out of the fridge until it comes to room temperature and softens.
  3. Take the softened butter and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl and mix. Mix the flour and vanilla, add it to the mixture in a controlled manner and knead.
  4. When you get a soft and non-sticky dough, divide it into meringues. Roll the meringues with your palm and form them into rolls with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
  5. Scratch the rolls with a fork and cut 2-3 finger-wide pieces.
  6. Preheat your oven at 150-160 degrees. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes in a controlled manner so that the top remains white. After removing from the oven and resting for 10 minutes, sprinkle powdered sugar over them with a wire strainer. Enjoy your meal!
  7. If you are not going to serve your cookies right away, you can store them in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

Pastry Dessert Snack

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