Pea Rice Recipe

Pea Rice


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 10 min.      🕐 Cooking: 20 min.
Baldo Rice 2 Cup
Meat Broth (Or Water) 3 Cup
Pea (Fresh Or Frozen) 1 Cup
Butter 2 Tbsp
Dill 1/2 Bunch
Olive Oil 2 Tbsp
Salt 1 Tsp (large)


  1. Rinse the rice with plenty of water. Soak in salty warm water for 15-20 minutes, strain and rinse.
  2. Heat the butter and olive oil and put the drained rice in the pot. Gently fry the rice until it turns translucent. Be careful not to break the rice.
  3. If you are going to use fresh peas, sort the peas and pre-boil them for ten minutes. If you are using frozen peas, rinse them.
  4. Add one-to-one-half hot broth, chicken stock, or water to the roasted rice. Place the peas on it without mixing, add the salt, turn the heat down and close the lid.
  5. Turn off the heat when your rice is drained. After five minutes, open the lid and turn it upside down slightly, cover it with a paper towel and let it rest for ten minutes. Add finely chopped dill and butter to your rested rice and turn it upside down.
  6. You can serve your rice warm as a side dish next to any grill or alongside juicy dishes. Enjoy your meal !

Pilaf Vegetable

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