Caramelized Onion Omelet Recipe

Caramelized Onion Omelet

The "palace egg" inherited from the Ottoman cuisine to the Turkish cuisine is made by cooking onions on low heat for a long time, caramelizing them, and then breaking eggs on it. A hearty version of the same flavor is the omelet with creamed onions. Enjoy your meal!


For 2 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.      🕐 Cooking: 45 min.
Egg 4 Qty
Dry Onion 2 Qty
Red Onion 2 Qty
Butter 1 Tbsp
Olive Oil 1 Tbsp
Vinegar 1 Tsp (large)
Brown Sugar 2 Tsp (large)
Salt 1 Tsp
Water (Warm) 1 Cup
Black Pepper 1 Tsp
Bitter Sauce 4 Tbsp


  1. Divide the onions into 2 halves and cut them into rings in the thickness of a knife blade.
  2. Heat the oil and butter in the pan. Take the onions in the pan and slowly turn them over and spread them on the pan. Saute over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of water over the sauteed and softened onions. Add brown sugar.
  4. Take the caramelized onions in a separate place without burning them on low heat and wash the pan.
  5. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and check if they are stale. Especially very fresh eggs should be used in this dish. Beat eggs well until foamy.
  6. When the onions are warm, add them to the beaten eggs and mix. Add salt and seasonings and add a tablespoon of homemade hot sauce.
  7. If you do not have hot sauce, you can also add hot pepper paste or ready-made breakfast sauce.
  8. When all the material is concentrated and homogenized, burn the bottom of the pan. Put the rest of the butter and oil in the pan. Pour the mixture into the pan all at once, evenly.
  9. Close the lid of the pan and cook on low heat for two to three minutes, until the eggs are slightly hardened. Turn off the fire by checking the bottom. Serve warm with hot sauce. Enjoy your meal.


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