Curly Salad With Olives Recipe

Curly Salad With Olives

Curly lettuce salad is a salad that can be consumed at any time of the day with its very low calorie and taste, and can go well with any meal. Curly salad with plenty of tomatoes and olives is also a good snack for those on a diet. You can add 0mega-3 rich flaxseed or chia seeds to this salad and enrich it. Enjoy your meal!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.
For the Salad:
Curly Lettuce (Medium size) 1 Bunch
Apple Cider Vinegar (For Washing) 1 Tbsp
Water (For Washing) 5 Cup
Tomato (Medium size) 2 Qty
Fresh Onion 1/2 Bunch
For the Sauce:
Fine Salt 1 Tsp
Olive Oil 1 Tbsp
Lemon Juice (Fresh-squeezed) 1/2 Half Cup
For the Service:
Black Olive (Seedless) 10 Qty
Flaxseed 1 Tbsp Satın al
Cherry Tomatoes 5 Qty


  1. Clean the spring onions and discard the yellowed parts. Separate the leaves of the lettuce. After washing the lettuce and onions, wait for 10-15 minutes in water with 1 spoon of vinegar and rinse.
  2. Drain the washed greens well, remove the water with a paper towel and dry it. In the meantime, you can prepare the dressing for the salad.
  3. Finely chop the curls with your hands. Chop the spring onions into small pieces. Put all the ingredients and chopped tomatoes in a salad bowl and mix them upside down.
  4. While serving, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of flaxseed on your salad and drizzle the remaining dressing. Seed and garnish with sliced olives and cocktail tomatoes and serve. Enjoy your meal!
  5. Wash and dice the tomatoes. Cut the cocktail tomatoes in half.
  6. In a separate bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice and salt. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of mayonnaise to this sauce.

Salad Vegetarian

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