Minced Meat Cauliflower Dish (carrot) Recipe

Cauliflower is a winter vegetable that helps reduce the risk of infection and winter diseases with its high antioxidant values and immune-supporting vitamin C. However, it is one of the vegetables that is not preferred by many people due to its unique smell. However, you can still make a delicious and healthy winter meal with the right cooking technique and adding the right spices. Enjoy your meal!
For 4 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.
🕐 Cooking: 30 min.
Cauliflower | 1/2 | Qty | ||
Vinegar | 1 | Half Cup | ||
Garlic | 2 | Clove | ||
Dry Onion | 2 | Qty | ||
Carbonate | 1 | Tsp (large) | ||
Ground Beef (Medium Fat) | 200 | Grams | ||
Butter | 1 | Tbsp | ||
Liquid Oil | 2 | Tbsp | ||
Carrot (Medium size) | 1 | Qty | ||
Tomato Paste | 1 | Rounded Tbsp | ||
Hot Pepper Sauce | 1 | Tsp (large) |
Divide the cauliflower into 2 and remove the hard root part in the middle by carving it with a knife. Cut the flower by flower into pieces of the same size if possible.
Put the cauliflower pieces you have separated into water to which you add 1/2 tea glass of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt and let them sit for at least 30 minutes.
Boil about 1 liter of water for pre-cooking. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of vinegar to this water. On the other hand, prepare plenty of ice water. Put the cauliflower into boiling water, keep it for 1 minute, then remove it and drain it. Rinse it and drop it into ice water.
For the filling, peel the onions and carrots and cut them into cubes. Divide the peppers into 4 and chop them thinly. Add oil to the pan and fry the onions until they turn pink. Add the carrots and turn them together a few times. Add the minced meat to the mixture and continue roasting together.
Finally, add tomato and pepper paste and fry together for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 glass of hot water to the mixture and close the lid. When the mixture thickens and thickens, add the cauliflower and mix. Add salt and pepper.
Add enough hot water to cover your meal and cook it over low heat in a controlled manner (so that the cauliflower remains slightly firm). You can let your cooked meal rest with the lid closed for about 10 minutes, serve hot with garlic yoghurt, drizzle with hot pepper butter or garnish with finely chopped parsley. Enjoy your meal!
Note: Fennel seeds or cumin can be added to this dish due to its carminative properties.
Beef & Lamb Vegetable

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