Plain Cake Recipe

Plain Cake

Plain cake, made with simple and basic ingredients such as eggs, flour and sugar, is a type of sweet bun that is drier and fluffier than a wet cake. Of course, the most economical and easy cake of the cake, which is generally preferred at tea times and breakfasts, is the plain cake, which is also called "mother cake". Enjoy your meal!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.      🕐 Cooking: 40 min.
Flour 2.5 Cup
Vanilla 1 Package
Baking Powder 1 Package
Egg (At Room Temperature) 4 Qty
Milk 1 Cup
Liquid Oil 1 Cup


  1. Crack 4 eggs at room temperature into a deep mixing bowl. Add powdered sugar and beat with mixer for 10 minutes.
  2. Add 1 glass of oil and 1 glass of milk at room temperature to the mixture, which swells and becomes creamy, and mix.
  3. Sift the flour, baking powder and vanilla through a fine wire sieve and gradually add them to the mixture by turning them upside down with a spatula.
  4. Grease the cake mold with oil with the help of a brush and sprinkle 1-2 pinches of flour.
  5. Turn on your oven and set it to 170 degrees.
  6. Take the cake mix into the preheated oven without waiting too long and bake for 40-45 minutes without opening the door.
  7. At the end of the time, insert a toothpick into the thickest part of the cake and remove it. If the toothpick comes out dry, your cake is cooked to perfection.
  8. Take your baked cake out and let it rest for 1/2 hour in its own mold. When cool, turn it upside down on a plate and knock it out of the mold with a wooden spoon.
  9. If you wish, you can decorate your sliced cake by sprinkling it with powdered sugar or cinnamon and serve. Enjoy your meal!

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