Puff Pastry With Sausage And Cheese Recipe

Puff pastry; a fatty and multi-layered dough. Therefore, it is a helper, sometimes the main product, that makes things very easy in the kitchen, due to its easy swelling, no need to open it, and quick cooking. Enjoy your meal!
For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 5 min.
🕐 Cooking: 15 min.
Puff Pastry | 6 | Leaves | ||
Kashar (Cheddar) (Or Dil Cheese) | 60 | Grams | ||
Sausage | 4 | Qty | ||
Egg Yolk | 1 | Qty | ||
Greaseproof Paper | 1 | Qty | ||
Sesame | 1 | Tsp |
Take the puff pastry out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Cut the sausages into 4-5 cm lengths and cut them crosswise into 2 or 3.
Cut the puff pastry sheets into 4 strips.
Place pieces of freshly cut cheddar or string cheese next to each piece of sausage and wrap them crosswise with strips of puff pastry. Arrange the small pastries you prepared on a tray lined with greaseproof paper.
Brush them with egg yolk with the help of a brush. Sprinkle with sesame or nigella seeds. Preheat your oven at 170 degrees.
Bake the puff pastry sausages in the oven for 15 minutes until they turn golden brown on top and serve hot without waiting. Enjoy your meal!
Snack Breakfast Pastry

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