White Sauerkraut Recipe

White Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut contains probiotics that improve gut function, as well as vitamins and minerals that boost immunity and strengthen bones. Research shows that sauerkraut and other probiotic foods can positively affect a person's mood and help fight depression. You can easily prepare the indispensable accompaniment of the winter months at home. Bon Appetit!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 30 min.
White Cabbage (Medium size) 1 Qty
Chickpeas (Boiled) 1 Half Cup
Garlic 15 Clove
Grape Vinegar 3 Cup
Carrot 3 Qty
Parsley 1/2 Bunch
Celery Stalk 5 Sprig
Hot Pepper 6 Qty
Sour Salt 1 Tbsp
Rock Salt 8 Tbsp
Sugar 1 Tbsp
Water (Drinking) 4 Cup


  1. After cleaning the outer skins of the white cabbage, divide it into 4 and separate the hard root parts in the middle with a knife. Finely chop the leaves and rinse them.
  2. Clean the outer part of the carrot with the help of a peeler and chop it into rings.
  3. Take the washed and drained cabbages in a bowl and soften them by rubbing them with 2 spoons of rock salt and vinegar.
  4. Peel and chop the garlic, or leave it whole and wash it.
  5. Optionally, you can leave the small cayenne peppers whole and add them.
  6. Boil four glasses of drinking water for 10 minutes and let it cool. Add vinegar, rock salt, 1 tablespoon of lemon salt and sugar to the cooled water and mix.
  7. Sterilize and dry clean and unused glass jars and lids by boiling for 5-10 minutes. Share the boiled chickpeas on the bottom of these jars first.
  8. Place the chopped cabbage, carrots and peppers on them and press them. Pour the pickle juice you have prepared into the jars to cover them, add parsley or celery stalks if you wish, and close them tightly so that they do not get airtight.
  9. Leave for 10-15 days to ferment and pickle in a cool, dark place.
  10. You can serve your pickles with all pot dishes, juicy meat, chicken dishes, meatballs and grills. Bon Appetit!

Pickle Vegetable

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