Cold Wheat Soup Recipe

Cold Wheat Soup

Wheat is one of the most used cereals in Turkish cuisine. A nutritious and satiating cold wheat soup that will refresh the hot summer days, colored with yoghurt and fresh mint, is also a good alternative for vegetarians. Bon Appetit!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 15 min.      🕐 Cooking: 15 min.
For the Soup:
Cracked Wheat (Splitting) 2 Cup
Strained Yogurt 1 Cup
Garlic (crushed) 2 Clove
Fine Salt 1 Tsp (large)
Fresh Mint (Finely Chopped) 1 Bunch
For the Sauce:
Butter 2 Tbsp
Dried Mint 1 Tsp (large)
Chili Pepper 1 Tsp (large)


  1. Rinse the wheat, soak it overnight and boil it in 4-5 glasses of water. Cook slowly over low heat so that it simmers. Do not use a whistle.
  2. When the boiled wheat is soft, remove it from the fire and leave it to cool. Thin the strained yogurt by adding a little water from the wheat, add it to the soup and mix it.
  3. Finely chop the fresh mint (you can also add basil if you wish) and add it to the soup and mix.
  4. Finely chop the garlic, crush it with the reverse side of the knife and add it to the soup.
  5. Heat the olive oil and butter in a sauce pan. Add the red pepper flakes and dried mint to the oil, take it off the heat when it foams and add it to the soup immediately. Cool first outside until room temperature, then in the refrigerator.
  6. Take your cold soup into a serving bowl, garnish with fresh mint leaves, and serve it cold and with ice if you wish. Enjoy your meal!
  7. Note: You can also try this recipe with raw buckwheat (grechka).

Soup Legume

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