Hunter Pastry Recipe

Hunter Pastry

Avcı Böreği, which is still called Avcı Böreği today because it was prepared with game meat during the Ottoman period, is a crispy, rich and nutritious pastry that has managed to enter all kitchens over time, even though it belongs to the Aegean region. It can be consumed at any time or served as a hot appetizer at invitation tables. Enjoy your meal!


For 4 people
🕐 Preparation: 30 min.      🕐 Cooking: 15 min.
For the meal:
Phyllo Dough 2 Qty
Liquid Oil 6 Tbsp
Meat Broth (Optional) 3 Tbsp
Water 3 Tbsp
For the Stuffing Stuff:
Minced Meat (Lamb And Beef Mixed) 200 Grams
Olive Oil 2 Tbsp
Dry Onion 1 Qty
Fine Bulgur 1/4 Cup
Walnut 1 Handful
Parsley 1/4 Qty
Salt 1 Half Tbsp
Black Pepper 2 Tsp
For the Breaded:
Egg 1 Qty
Crumbs Bread 1 Cup
Sunflower Oil 2 Half Cup


  1. Put the water, broth and oil in a bowl and mix well. Spread the dough and moisten the dough thoroughly with this mixture.
  2. Fold the dough in half to form a half moon. Apply oily water to the upper surface. Divide it into 4 equal parts to form a triangle. Prepare the other phyllo in the same way.
  3. For the stuffing, chop the onion finely. Put the olive oil in a pan and heat it. Fry the onions until they turn pink.
  4. Add minced meat to the roasted onions. Roast by mashing until the water is absorbed.
  5. Put the fine bulgur into a bowl, add enough hot water to cover it by 1 finger, and set it aside to swell.
  6. Add the swollen bulgur to the roasted ground meat and continue roasting for another 1-2 minutes. Add salt and pepper and season to taste. Finally, add finely chopped parsley and walnuts and mix.
  7. Cool the stuffing. Divide equally on the wide sides of the triangles. Roll it by folding it 1-2 cm from the edge and turning it upwards. Wet the end with oily water and close it.
  8. For the breading, break the eggs into a bowl and beat well. Heat the sunflower oil in a deep frying pan. Coat the hunter pastries first in egg and then in breadcrumbs, fry them upside down until they get a golden color, and then put them on paper towels.
  9. After preparing the pastries, you can also prepare them by placing them on a greased or baking paper-lined tray and baking them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
  10. You can serve the fried pastries warm by dividing them in half diagonally. Enjoy your meal!

Pastry Breakfast Snack

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