Walnut Date Balls (oatmeal) Recipe

Walnut Date Balls

Dates, used instead of refined sugar, are widely preferred in fit and healthy snacks. Walnuts are a herbal source of omega-3. It is known that high Omega 3 intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Eat date snacks, which have the ability to balance blood sugar and keep you full for a long time, without harming your blood values. You can overcome sweet cravings. Enjoy your meal!


For 6 people
🕐 Preparation: 30 min.
For the Balls:
Date 10 Qty
Walnut (Finely Chopped) 1 Handful
Rolled Oats 1 Cup
Milk 1 Half Cup
Vanilla 1 Package
For the Covering:
Cocoa 2 Tbsp
Coconut 2 Tbsp
Cracked Hazelnuts (Finely Chopped) 1 Tbsp


  1. Rinse the dates in water and remove the seeds. Soak it in hot water for 35-40 minutes.
  2. Soak the oatmeal with milk and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Blend the softened dates with the swelling oatmeal.
  4. Add vanilla, 1 tablespoon of cocoa and finely chopped walnuts to the mixture and crush it with the help of a spatula to make a dough.
  5. Let this mixture rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  6. Take walnut-sized balls from the dough and roll them in your palms. Buy 2-3 flat and wide plates. Add cocoa, coconut and finely chopped hazelnuts (optional) to them separately. Coat the oat balls in this mixture and shake the plate back and forth to ensure that they are thoroughly coated.
  7. You can serve the walnut oat balls you have prepared as a snack or as a treat with coffee. Enjoy your meal!

Snack Breakfast Dessert

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