Snack Recipes | 39 recipes

Mixed Sandwich

One of the most well-known of our street delicacies is the mixed grocery sandwich, which we can quickly prepare and consume at home. Easily prepare with the…

December 2022   •   🕐 5 dk. •   📶 1/10

Smoked Turkey Sandwich

The most delicious and practical cold sandwiches are those made with delicatessen products. If you want to have a quick but healthy snack and soothe your…

December 2022   •   🕐 10 dk. •   📶 3/10

Homemade Oil Lamp Ring

In Turkish Islamic culture, you can easily make these sesame-filled tiny simits, which are made abundantly at oil lamps and distributed for charity, at home.…

December 2022   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 4/10