All Recipes | 552 recipes

Broccoli Soup

You can consume this delicious and healthy green winter beauty with peace of mind on your detox days, you can also flavor it with cream or milk, serve it at…

December 2022   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 4/10

Buttered Plain Rice Rice

With its classic basic recipe, rice pilaf is the pride of our tables. This white angel that accompanies all kinds of grills, kebabs, legumes and vegetable…

December 2022   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 4/10

Dry Yeast Plain Donut

Yeast is simply a microorganism. These microorganisms, which are beneficial creatures, enable the growth and reproduction of the area they are used in. Yeast,…

December 2022   •   🕐 70 dk. •   📶 5/10


Brownie, one of the famous desserts of America and Canada, is made in two ways, but "Fudgy" is a more pleasing to the eye and more preferred brownie type. Its…

December 2022   •   🕐 60 dk. •   📶 6/10


Few materials are more abundant; Let it cook slowly on the hair, get the food. Let the arts not decrease, let it overflow, enjoy your meal! Warm up two glasses…

December 2022   •   🕐 75 dk. •   📶 6/10


It always happens on the sweetest mornings and weekend tables. The favorite pastry pancake recipe of fruits and sweet sauces is a great flavor that can be…

December 2022   •   🕐 35 dk. •   📶 3/10

Kalburabasti Dessert

A wonderful classic of Turkish cuisine, a holiday dessert, cute or cute, the smaller the better. It's nice with walnuts, and it's also good with hazelnuts. You…

December 2022   •   🕐 75 dk. •   📶 8/10

Apple Cider Vinegar

Miracle probiotic, healing source, antibacterial lotion. Produce apple cider vinegar, which has countless uses, naturally and without additives, at home. It…

December 2022   •   🕐 10 dk. •   📶 4/10

Izmir Bomb

A crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth crunchy cookie and a fluid chocolate filling that will make your brain explode with serotonin. This recipe, which lives up to its…

December 2022   •   🕐 45 dk. •   📶 6/10