All Recipes | 486 recipes

Poached Egg

Whether it's for breakfast, a hot starter, or a main course on its own. It saves single-person tables, becomes an alternative to snacks, and suits your diet. A…

January 2023   •   🕐 10 dk. •   📶 1/10

Çi (Raw) Pastry

Inherited from our Crimean grandmothers, you should definitely try the original recipe of raw borek with the familiar name of a true classic "çi borek". The…

January 2023   •   🕐 48 dk. •   📶 8/10

Fried Egg

The pride of traineeship of those who step into cooking. The simplest meal you can make with ingredients at home. Of course, you can add different ingredients…

January 2023   •   🕐 10 dk. •   📶 2/10

Cocoa Cake

A practical cocoa cake recipe that you can make in a short time. You can enjoy dessert with very few ingredients, serve it with tea or serve it as a snack. Bon…

January 2023   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 5/10

Pasta With Spinach Cheese

Conchiglioni with spinach and cheese is one of the flavors that can be tried by those who are bored with classic pasta recipes. A great Italian pasta recipe…

January 2023   •   🕐 40 dk. •   📶 6/10

Raspberry Blueberry Wet Cake

Wet cake is prepared with a softer cake batter, unlike normal cake. Thus, there is a silky texture between the cake and the cake. Abundant sauce penetrates the…

January 2023   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 5/10

Carrot Potato Soup

A complete winter soup, a root vegetable soup. A different alternative to classic vegetable soups. When you add a piece of healing ginger and turmeric roots, it…

January 2023   •   🕐 25 dk. •   📶 3/10

Spring Soup

Although it is often mixed with yoghurt soup made with flour and roux, in classical Anatolian cuisine, "highland soup" is made with rice. The indispensable…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 5/10

Practical Yogurt Soup

You don't have rice at home, you don't have much time, but if you have a spoonful of flour, you can have a delicious highland soup in minutes with this…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 3/10