Dessert Recipes | 32 recipes
Flour Cookies
Flour cookies made with simple and basic ingredients are among the classics of Turkish cuisine. Since it can last for a long time and is practical to make, it…
Easy Win
This dessert, which you can prepare by cooking it on your stove without using an oven, is one of the classics of Turkish Cuisine. Moreover, it is a very…
Carrot Cinnamon Sorghum Cake (Gluten Free)
Recently, gluten-free diet is a diet that is preferred by everyone who wants to eat healthy. Mixtures with sorghum flour, which is a very special flour, are…
Plain Cake
Plain cake, made with simple and basic ingredients such as eggs, flour and sugar, is a type of sweet bun that is drier and fluffier than a wet cake. Of course,…
Gummy Alaçatı Custard
Mastic Mastic takes its name from the gum tree resin produced on Chios Island in the Aegean Sea. This tree is also frequently seen around Çeşme and on the…
Easy Bread Kadayif
Emek, known as fried bread; It is one of the foods that finds its place in many different cuisines of the world. Etimek is known as "rusk" in different…
Pumpkin Dessert With Walnuts
Pumpkin is a vegetable that is very easy to cook and you can create various flavors with different nuts you can add according to your taste. In Turkish cuisine,…
Pepecura (Grape Jelly)
This light dessert from the Black Sea region is made with purple and fragrant isabella (pepeçura) grapes unique to that region. However, it is possible to…
Lemon Cheesecake
For preliminary preparation, take your 24 cm diameter locked cake mold, remove the base, line the base with greaseproof paper and cut off the excess. Lightly…