All Recipes | 486 recipes

Minced Leek Meal

Leek, which is one of the winter vegetables, is mostly cooked with cold olive oil, but due to its high vitamin values and nutritive properties, it is also…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 5/10

Potato Menemen

Menemen; It is a Turkish dish made using eggs, peppers, tomatoes and optionally onions. It is said that it was first built by the Cretan Turks who settled in…

January 2023   •   🕐 15 dk. •   📶 2/10

Walnut Starch Halva

Starch halva, one of the traditional desserts of Turkish cuisine, can be found in many parts of the country. This halva, which is made with very simple and…

January 2023   •   🕐 15 dk. •   📶 2/10

Breadless Potato Toast

Potato, which is grown in many parts of the world, is a root vegetable used in cooking, baked, fried or pureed. It is one of the basic food ingredients of…

January 2023   •   🕐 20 dk. •   📶 1/10

Minced Potato Meal

Potato, as a nutritious root vegetable with plenty of starch, is one of the basic products used in many classic dishes of Turkish cuisine. Juicy potato with…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 5/10

Flour Cookies

Flour cookies made with simple and basic ingredients are among the classics of Turkish cuisine. Since it can last for a long time and is practical to make, it…

January 2023   •   🕐 60 dk. •   📶 4/10

Basil Avocado Puree

Basil is a green that is often referred to with pesto sauce in kitchens. It is preferred as a fresh and delicious breakfast when prepared with avocado. You can…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 5/10

Boiled Ginger Chicken With Vegetables

Ginger root, which is especially recommended for nausea and intestinal diseases, is also very good for colds and flu. Fresh ginger root, which is added to a…

January 2023   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 4/10

Easy Pumpkin Gondola

Pumpkin (gum squash) is indispensable for detox drinks as well as being used in meals. Zucchini, a summer vegetable, is often included in diet menus because it…

January 2023   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 4/10