All Recipes | 486 recipes
Green Tizzeria
The word cacık means self-grown edible plant. Cacik, one of the classic appetizers of the traditional Turkish cuisine, is made with cucumber mixed with garlic…
Easy Win
This dessert, which you can prepare by cooking it on your stove without using an oven, is one of the classics of Turkish Cuisine. Moreover, it is a very…
Carrot Cinnamon Sorghum Cake (Gluten Free)
Recently, gluten-free diet is a diet that is preferred by everyone who wants to eat healthy. Mixtures with sorghum flour, which is a very special flour, are…
Artichoke With Olive Oil
The classic olive oil recipe of artichoke, which has been known for its health benefits for hundreds of years, will make even those who do not like artichokes…
Dried Cod Bean Salad
Being a very good source of protein, cowpea is often included in diet menus as it also gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It is also a very good…
False Ravioli
Ready-made pasta is used in this recipe, which practically presents the taste of ravioli, which is at the forefront of Turkish cuisine. A joker dish that you…
Caesar Sauce
The secret of a magnificent Caesar salad is in this sauce: besides, this sauce is one of the best accompaniments to your chicken or fish dishes. You can also…
Dömi Glas Sauce
Démi glace (demi glace), one of the traditional sauces of French cuisine, is a very rich broth-based sauce. Although it takes a long time to make, you can…
Plain Cake
Plain cake, made with simple and basic ingredients such as eggs, flour and sugar, is a type of sweet bun that is drier and fluffier than a wet cake. Of course,…