All Recipes | 442 recipes

Fish Soup

You can use a large whole fish for fish soup, which is the indispensable beginning of a fish table, or you can make fish soup from the head, skin and tail parts…

December 2022   •   🕐 60 dk. •   📶 5/10

Gluten Free Buckwheat Bread

Buckwheat bread, which entered our lives with the Karatay diet, is not only beneficial for those with insulin sensitivity, but is preferred by everyone who…

December 2022   •   🕐 75 dk. •   📶 6/10

Buckwheat (Grechka) Rice With Mushrooms

Buckwheat, with its rich protein content, is one of the most important vegetable protein sources for vegan and vegetarian diets. This healthy rice that we will…

December 2022   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 5/10

Beet Bulgur Salad

Beetroot, which is one of the winter vegetables and appetizing with its crimson color, is among the health foods with its very high antioxidant rate. You can…

December 2022   •   🕐 30 dk. •   📶 2/10

Celery Tomtom Salad

This time, celery comes to the tables as tomtom salad. This healthy appetizer recipe, prepared without adding oil, is a satisfying starter that you can consume…

December 2022   •   🕐 15 dk. •   📶 2/10

Mushroom Salad

Mushrooms are frequently on our tables as a delicious and valuable alternative for vegetarians and vegans who want to reduce their meat consumption. As it is…

December 2022   •   🕐 20 dk. •   📶 3/10

Egg Lettuce Salad

Complete the vitamins and minerals of green with a healthy protein egg. Light, economical and practical, this salad also supports dieters with its satiating…

December 2022   •   🕐 20 dk. •   📶 1/10

Meat Couscous Rice

couscous; It is obtained by mixing semolina with flour, egg and milk, making it into a dough, drying it, passing it through special sieves and sifting it into…

December 2022   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 5/10

Tomato Couscous Rice

Couscous is not a type of pasta as it is thought. In our country, unlike Moroccan couscous, semolina, flour, egg and milk are mixed and made into dough. It is…

December 2022   •   🕐 50 dk. •   📶 4/10